Organisational chart

The organisational structure of the Spanish Journal of Clinical Cases in Internal Medicine (RECCMI), or its ORGANISATIONAL CHART, is comprised of two main sections:


  • the functional or Editorial section, which is made up of:

           - the STEERING COMMITTEE, which includes the Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editor;

           - the EDITORIAL BOARD, comprised of well-established individuals in the international scientific 

             community in the field of Internal Medicine;

           - the EDITORIAL STAFF, which includes experienced internists whose essential role

             is to take on the role of peer reviewers within our article review process.


  • the executive or managerial section, including the ADVISORY BOARD, which is responsible for managing the journal in all aspects and is comprised of the presidents of the participating scientific societies and the SEMI Standing Committee.


The RECCMI Editor-in-Chief and RECCMI Secretary of the Board also sit on all the Committees.