Editorial practices in gender equality

The Spanish Journal of Clinical Cases in Internal Medicine (RECCMI) is committed to implementing gender policies that lead to real equality in society between women and men. This commitment is expressed through several fundamental actions.


Editorial participation

The journal will adopt measures to ensure a balanced editorial composition of women and men, which will be reflected in both the different bodies of the journal and the participation of people evaluating the papers.


Use of inclusive language

The Spanish Journal of Clinical Cases in Internal Medicine (RECCMI) recommends the use of inclusive language in its publications that takes into account the presence and circumstances of women in society and that conforms to the principle of gender equality. In this sense, the journal recommends replacing the use of the generic masculine to designate all individuals in a class or group, whether men or women, with gender-neutral terms. It also advises using explanatory terms, omitting references to the subject or, when none of the above is possible, using dual terms.


Sex and gender in research

Publications should avoid gender stereotypes and biases that use masculine language as the universal referent, exacerbate biological differences, or normalise socially constructed differences. Likewise, they should consider the variable of gender in all research in people, animals, tissues, or cells in order to:

  1. Reflect and make a reasoned decision on the gender composition of the samples and to report the genders of the research subjects.
  2. Analyse the differences within each gender and present results separated by gender.