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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Registration and login are required to submit any document online and to check the status of recent submissions.


  • Length. 1,200 words maximum (not including abstract, title page, or references).
  • Title page and authors. Maximum 5 authors, identified with a surname (or two surnames with a hyphen between them) and name, e-mail, complete identification of the institution (Service/Unit. Hospital centre. Location [Province]. Country), author of correspondence. All these data will be required and included in the submission's metadata.
  • Abstract. It is preferably structured in less than 100 words, Spanish and English.
  • Keywords. Maximum 5 words, preferably in MESH (Medical Subject Headings) terms, accessible at
  • Body of the article (preferably):
    • Introduction
    • Clinical background: history, current illness, physical examination.
    • Complementary tests
    • Evolution
    • Diagnosis
    • Discussion and conclusions
  • Highlights. With a maximum of 40 words in total, stating what is most important in the case and what is its contribution to knowledge.
  • Illustrations, figures, and tables. Up to 4 figures and 1 table. Figures must be submitted in JPG or TIFF format (with reproduction quality) and tables in Word format, including supplementary files. RECCMI accepts dynamic figures or videos (ultrasound, hemodynamic, moving figures in general) for online publication; whenever these formulas are used, they must be accompanied by the selection of a static image selected by the author for the pdf of the journal. Whenever possible, these videos should be delivered in mp4 format in HD (high definition) 1080.
  • Text. It should be submitted in WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or Open Office, A4 size, with 2.5 centimetre margins at all ends, Arial or Times New Roman 12 pt, 1.5 line spacing, numbering pages (including abstracts and title page) in the bottom right-hand corner. The analytical results, put after each data, in brackets, the normality margins of each determination according to the local reference laboratory.
  • Bibliography. Maximum 8 references in Vancouver style, marked with their order of appearance number in the text in superscript format, ensuring that all references are present in the reference list (and vice versa). Unpublished results and personal communications will not be included in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text. (
  • Abbreviations. You may use abbreviations, but they all must be specifically developed the first time they appear in the text.
  • Ethical approval. If necessary, a report would be required with permission to publish, prepare, and grant by the identified local Ethics Committee. RECCMI reserves the right to refuse publication if it considers any inappropriate practice to exist.
  • Informed Consent. Authors must have obtained and filed the informed consent of all the individuals studied and declare in the manuscript that consents are available. The privacy rights of human subjects must always be observed and all information/images must be anonymized to guarantee the protection of personal data.
  • Declaration of interest. All authors must complete the conflict of interest form. During the manuscript submission process, the corresponding author will be responsible for declaring all conflicts of interests related to the article in a specific section for this purpose. If the manuscript is accepted, this information will be included in the final article in a new section entitled Conflicts of interests.
  • Funding Source(s). Authors are requested to identify institutions that have provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in data collection, analysis, and interpretation; in drafting the manuscript; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. If the funding source(s) had no such involvement, then this should be stated.


CURRENT TOPICS will accept works of revision and updating of some topics of interest that from the direction of RECCMI are entrusted to the Working Groups of FEMI or others that bring together experts grouped around some specific current content.

The format of presentation of these consensus or group conclusions will be as Clinical Cases (real or fictitious) that, following RECCMI rules for authors, constitute a comprehensible and coherent set for the update of the chosen item.


El manuscrito enviado no debe haber sido publicado en forma alguna, ni impresa ni electrónica ni habrá sido enviado para su consideración para publicación en otros lugares durante el tiempo de la revisión por RECCMI. No obstante, se podrán admitir casos presentados previamente a congresos o reuniones científicas siempre que se especifique claramente el origen de su presentación previa.

RECCMI utilizará los detectores de plagio de Crosscheck (iThenticate) en todos los manuscritos que reciba informando de los resultados a los autores, revisores e instituciones cuando el editor correspondiente lo considere oportuno.

Los manuscritos deben estar escritos en castellano, que debe ser de un nivel aceptable, a juicio de la Oficina de Redacción (Gil Extremera B. El lenguaje en la práctica médica. Rev Clin Esp 2012; 212(1): 40-42).

  • Extensión. 1.200 palabras como máximo (sin incluir resumen, hoja de título ni referencias).

  • Página de título y autores. Máximo 5 autores, identificados con un apellido (o dos apellidos con guion interpuesto) y nombre, correo electrónico, identificación completa de la institución, autor para correspondencia. Todos estos datos serán requeridos y se incluirán en los metadatos del envío.

  • Resumen. Preferentemente estructurado en menos de 100 palabras, en español y en inglés.

  • Palabras clave. Máximo 5 palabras, preferible en términos MESH (Medical Subject Headings), accesible en

  • Cuerpo del artículo (preferentemente):
    • Introducción
    • Historia clínica: antecedentes, enfermedad actual, exploración física
    • Pruebas complementarias
    • Evolución
    • Diagnóstico
    • Discusión y conclusiones
  • Puntos destacados. Con un máximo de 40 palabras en total, exponiendo qué es lo más importante del caso y cuál es su aportación al conocimiento.

  • Ilustraciones, figuras y tablas. Hasta 4 figuras y 1 tabla. Las figuras se habrán de entregar en formato JEPG o TIFF y las tablas en Word incluyéndolas en los archivos complementarios. RECCMI admite para su publicación on-line figuras dinámicas o vídeos (ecografías, hemodinámicas, figuras en movimiento en general), pero siempre que se utilicen estas fórmulas deberán acompañarse de la selección de alguna imagen estática seleccionada por el autor para el pdf de la publicación. Dichas vídeos se deberían entregar en formato mp4 en HD (alta definición) 1080, siempre que fuese posible.

Privacy Statement

The names, addresses, and e-mail addresses entered in RECCMI will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this magazine. They will not be made available for any other purpose or be transferred to any other company.