Limb shaking: transient ischaemic attack. A case report


  • M Otero-Soler Servicio de Medicina Interna. Hospital Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles. Ávila. Spain
  • M Escamilla-Espínola Servicio de Medicina Interna. Hospital Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles. Ávila. Spain
  • MT Tolmos-Estefanía Servicio de Medicina Interna. Hospital Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles. Ávila. Spain
  • S Pérez-Pinto Servicio de Medicina Interna. Hospital Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles. Ávila. Spain
  • MC Grande-Sáez Servicio de Medicina Interna. Hospital Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles. Ávila. Spain


limb shaking, hemodynamic TIA, carotid stenosis


Limb shaking transient ischemic (LS-TIA) is an uncommon type of carotid transient ischemic attack, characterized by involuntary limb movements or shaking, mainly precipitated by maneuvers which reduce cerebral perfusion, such as standing and hiperextending the neck. Often confused with focal motor seizures however EEG has failed to show epileptiform activity. This distinction is crucial as this form of TIA is often an indicator of severe carotid occlusive diseases and patients are at high risk of stroke. Recognition of these symptoms and their relationship to major carotid occlusive disease may lead to more prompt diagnosis an appropriate treatment.


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How to Cite

Otero-Soler M, Escamilla-Espínola M, Tolmos-Estefanía M, Pérez-Pinto S, Grande-Sáez M. Limb shaking: transient ischaemic attack. A case report. Rev Esp Casos Clin Med Intern [Internet]. 2016 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];1:44-5. Available from: