COPD patient with an exacerbating phenotype. Characterisation and treatment


  • Ramón Boixeda-Viu Servei de Medicina Interna, Hospital de Mataró, Mataró (Barcelona), Spain. Grupo de Trabajo de EPOC de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna



chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, phenotypes COPD, bronchiectasis, treatment


A 74-year-old man with a diagnosis of chronic bronchitis-type COPD with frequent exacerbations and persistent mucopurulent expectoration, who is admitted by a new acute exacerbation with mild hemoptotic sputum in which opportunistic infections are ruled out and a characterization of the phenotypes according to GesEPOC is performed and a readjustment of his treatment. The recent update of the GesEPOC guidelines advises a characterization of patients with COPD and high risk, stratifying the treatment and its management depending on the different phenotypes described.


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How to Cite

Boixeda-Viu R. COPD patient with an exacerbating phenotype. Characterisation and treatment. Rev Esp Casos Clin Med Intern [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];2(3):152-4. Available from: