Dextrocardia, atelia, hypoplasia and pectoral hypotrichosis: diagnosis of a rare congenital anomaly in old age


  • José Manuel Pérez-Díaz Servicio de Medicina Interna, Hospital Comarcal de La Axarquía, Vélez-Málaga (Málaga), Spain



Poland anomaly, dextroposition, pectoralis major


We describe a case of late diagnosis of Poland syndrome in a male of 80 years. This case is reported because of the rarity of the anomaly and the association of two features that are not common in the Poland syndrome, such as its presentation on the left side and its association with dextrocardia.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Díaz JM. Dextrocardia, atelia, hypoplasia and pectoral hypotrichosis: diagnosis of a rare congenital anomaly in old age. Rev Esp Casos Clin Med Intern [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];2(3):119-21. Available from:

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